Morning Session 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Ray Merriman ▼
Financial Astrology and Its Importance in Market Timing
Workshop Description
Financial markets move in patterns of rhythmic cycles. When time bands for cycle highs or lows are due, they often overlap with certain planetary aspects or stations. Using actual research studies, this workshop will demonstrate how certain astrological factors have correlated with important trend reversals in any financial market, and thus offering traders and investors a guideline for high probability trading and investment opportunities. Projections will be applied to the DJIA, Gold, and Bitcoin.
Rick Levine ▼
Harmonic Aspects in Natal Chart Consultations Theory
and Practice
Workshop Description
Breaking out of the 12-fold zodiac has widened astrologers’ perspective as they continue to uncover new ways to find meaning in natal horoscopes. A variety of tools fall under the umbrella of “Harmonics” that have grown out of Johannes Kepler’s introduction of quintiles and octiles into astrology over 400 years ago. For many astrologers, it’s difficult to take the leap into harmonic chart analysis and vibrational resonance. However, available astrology software gives us tools to quickly see the non-zodiacal 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10, and 11th harmonic aspects without ever leaving the familiar natal chart view.
This workshop will explore the importance of using the harmonic aspect series of quintiles, septiles, octiles, noviles, deciles, and eleventiles. Participants will learn how to interpret these non-traditional aspects and the variety of their complex configurations. There will be plenty of chart examples. Additionally, example charts of class participants will also be used to round out the curriculum.
Demetra George ▼
Hellenistic Houses
Workshop Description
Worldly and Spiritual Meanings From an outer perspective Hellenistic astrology emphasizes the practical everyday topics of each house. However, when astrological doctrines were first codified by Hellenistic astrologers, the names given to each house were informed by ancient mythic, religious, and philosophical beliefs. What do short journeys and siblings have to do with the Goddess, name of the third house, and why was the second house of money linked to its name the Gate of Hades? Learn how to incorporate both the worldly and spiritual significations of each house into your astrological practice when responding to the various concerns of clients and friends.
Afternoon Session 01:30 PM - 04:45 PM
Christeen Skinner ▼
Workshop Description
This workshop focuses on the use of planetary and lunar cycles to predict trading results.
Christeen will present her findings regarding precious metals, indexes such as SPX, Hang Seng, and FTSE (London index) with some surprising results and demonstrate how Arch Crawford's theory of 'Crash Cycles' can be utilized.
Additionally, she will demonstrate how she researches specific stocks and cryptocurrencies (examples include MSFT, XBT, and FEDEX). There will be an opportunity to work collectively on back testing during this workshop.
Öner Döşer ▼
Combining Traditional Prediction Techniques
Workshop Description
This workshop will focus on the Profection, Firdaria, and Solar Return charts that are known for their high accuracy in predicting the future. Following the theoretical study of these methods, we will apply them to our charts. Attendees will gain an understanding of how the Whole Sign House system works. Our first task will be to learn Profection and Firdaria methods and practice them. After that, we will study the Solar Return method and practice it. As a final step, we will use these three methods in conjunction with each other and study our charts.
Lynn Bell ▼
Is the 7th house You or is it Me?
Workshop Description
Who am I looking for? What do I see? Is the 7th house you,or is it me?
There is a tendency among astrologers to speak as if the 7th house is 'out there', waiting to be discovered. Nevertheless, the situation is more complex than that. The planets in the 7th invite us into a dance with each other, a dance of attraction, admiration, frustration, and rejection. Our first impression of what we see in them may not be accurate. Upon crossing the threshold, we may encounter the other as well as our own expectations; however, once we have entered, we will be profoundly impacted.
There is a tendency for astrologers to refer to empty 7th houses with no planets as empty houses. There is, however, nothing empty about the powerful cycles of allure and repulsion associated with the angle of the descendant, which marks the cusp of the 7th house.
Conference Opening
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM We will begin with an opening meditation by Karma Martell. We will then welcome all of our attendees led by Christopher Pridham, followed by Fei Cochrane's opening remarks. Saturday March 8Main Conference
Morning Session 7:30 AM - 08:15 AM
Karma Martell
Kundalini-focused Yoga Astrology classes
Anne Ortelee ▼
Integrating Vibrational Astrology Into Your Natal Reading
Lecture Description
When you learn Vibrational Astrology, it opens a whole new essence and experience into our astrological view of the world. However, we've already established our approach to reading client's charts. In this lecture, you will learn some easy ways to integrate vibrational astrology into your chart reading with clients. Adding Vibrational Astrology into your chart reading, magic will happen. The purpose of this lecture is to demonstrate how this magic is created. There will be a demonstration of the methods and techniques that she will use to accomplish this.
Kathy Rose ▼
Therapeutic Mantras For Consultations
Lecture Description
Finding a meaningful mantra to encapsulate and express key therapeutic healing points conveyed in the consultation can offer important action steps for the client. Specific mantras and affirmations flow well with particular chart patterns.
In this presentation we will explore:
• Key phrases that redirect chart tension
• Mindful application of new thinking that helps to heal
• Focusing on the purpose of hard aspects in the natal chart
Gianni Di Poce ▼
Mundane Markets & Cycles
Workshop Description
Join Gianni Di Poce in this lecture about applying fundamental mundane astrological principles towards financial markets. These techniques are critical for traders and investors to obtain an edge and dramatically increase their odds of outperforming the benchmark in financial markets in the long-run. Various economic archetypes will be examined and applied to financial markets with respect to the past, present, and future.
Panel discussion ▼
Moderator: Raymond Merriman
Lecture Description
What is the potential effect of AI on the professional astrologer's career? Will clients opt out of astrological consultations in favor of more affordable AI interpretations? Education will still be important, but additional skills may be necessary for the career astrologer to survive. The age of the "information-only" astrologer may be in a serious state of transformation due to AI being a much more affordable source of information-only.
Raymond Merriman will moderate the panel:
Rick LevineReplacements if necessary:
Glenn Perry
Wiebke Held
Aleksandar Imsiragic
Joni Patry
Georgia Stathis
Chris Prideham
Pouyan Zolfagharnia
Dave Campbell ▼
Amazing Asteroids
Lecture Description
Working with the four majors and Chiron, and More!
The four major asteroids are becoming more utilized in charts, and many still do not know how to interpret them. This lecture will open up many more ways they can be interpreted with examples in celebrity charts. The importance of adding Juno to synastry and composite charts is vital and will be demonstrated. In addition Dave will discuss Psychic asteroids that relate to psychic talents and potentials, and Astrological asteroids that are indicators of an astrologer. Other asteroids include Bacchus, Elvis and Proserpina!
Starlene Breiter ▼
The Basics of Vibrational Astrology
Workshop Description
This presentation will equip you with practical applications of Vibrational Astrology (VA). We will dive into the fundamental base vibrations (8, 5, 7, 9, 11 & 13) and their meanings, which will add profound insight to your consultations. You will learn the function versus symptoms of planet circuits and how to locate circuits within vibration charts. You will also learn how to apply this method to other vibration charts. Gain the essential skills to confidently utilize VA and build upon this foundation, taking your practice to the next level.
Afternoon Session 1:45 PM - 03:00 PM
Pam Gallagher ▼
Delve into your Draconic Soul History using midpoint
patterns to See Deeper
Lecture Description
Open up the nodal envelope to see the deeper soul purpose through the Draconic chart. By creating a bi-wheel chart with the Draconic chart on the outside, we will look into the soul memory file to learn what developed talents are available this lifetime Using midpoint patterns and harmonic strengths, we will examine the soul’s inner drive. Then, going one step deeper, we will search for the Core Draconic soul call driving one’s life experience on planet Earth.
Christopher Pridham ▼
360 Vibrations Defined
Lecture Description
Explore the fascinating world of Vibrational Astrology in this in-depth talk, where we'll uncover how higher vibrations interconnect with degrees and signs. Delve into the intricate relationships between vibrations and the Sabian Symbols, and discover how this innovative approach to astrology enhances our understanding of the cosmos. Join us to see Vibrational Astrology in action and gain a deeper insight into the profound connections that shape our universe.
Wiebke Held ▼
Geocosmic Correlations to Market Cycles in the
NASDAQ Composite Index
Lecture Description
Join Wiebke in an insightful lecture exploring the intriguing correlation between planetary cycles and the culmination of market cycles. This session will focus specifically on the NASDAQ Composite Index, delving into its market cycles and identifying key planetary cycles that can be utilized for market timing purposes. Using methodologies developed by renowned financial astrologer Raymond Merriman, Wiebke will present comprehensive research results based on 40 years of market data. Attendees will gain valuable insights into how these findings can be applied to anticipate future market movements.
Fei Cochrane ▼
High Frequencies in Vibrational Astrology
Lecture Description
Presenting key findings from the exploratory research on Higher Vibration Charts
In this lecture, we will explore key findings from Fei's exploratory research on various Higher Vibration Charts. Exploratory research aims to investigate topics that are not yet fully defined or thoroughly studied. The primary objective of this research is to examine and clarify the meanings behind Vibrational Astrology Charts, helping to deepen our understanding of the unique insights each Vibe chart provides. In this lecture, Fei will demonstrate how the vibrations and energy dynamics of each vibrational chart impact individuals with a strong alignment to that particular vibration.
Darri Low Murphy ▼
Amazing Phasing
Lecture Description
Astrological timing using the phase-work method offers a framework for understanding the timing of events. It is easily learned and amazing when practiced. It is an indispensable and timeless technique that will make sense, becoming proof to you and your clients as you practice developing timing skills.
Pouyan Zolfagharnia ▼
The Financial Astrology of Crude Oil
Lecture Description
In this presentation, we will explore the fascinating correlations between the price action of crude oil and various astrological and cyclical signatures. We will delve into historical trends and events, examining how planetary movements and cycles have influenced market behaviors and significant price shifts in the oil industry. Join us for an insightful journey through the history of crude oil, viewed through the lens of financial astrology, to uncover potential predictive patterns and deepen our understanding of this vital commodity.
Banquet Night: DJ
7:00 PM pm - 11:00 PM Food and dance, special guest with anonymous performance, Karma Martell’s singing appearance. Cash bar available. Sunday March 9Main Conference
Morning Session 7:45 AM - 08:30 AM
Karma Martell
Kundalini-focused Yoga Astrology classes
Ulric Aspegrén ▼
When is the next big event in the U.S. Dollar Index
and the Euro?
Lecture Description
Time is more important than price! Join Ulric Aspegrén in this lecture showcasing how you can gain an edge for your investments by using market and astrological cycles.
First, you will acquire the knowledge on how to forecast a time period for a long-term market event via quantitative studies of historical prices. Secondly, you will learn on how to narrow down this time band by overlapping with a planetary pair cycle. I will be using the Merriman Market Timing techniques combined with the Aspegrén Pyramid of Cycles. We will study the U.S. Dollar and the Euro, but you can apply these timing techniques to any financial market.
Fei Cochrane ▼
How to Choose the Ideal Place to Live Using
Vibrational Astrology
Lecture Description
Discover the unique approach to finding your ideal place to live with Vibrational Astrology. This powerful tool goes beyond the typical factors like cost of living and job opportunities, by tapping into the energetic frequencies of locations that align with your personal cosmic blueprint. Vibrational Astrology helps you understand how different places resonate with your own energy, providing insights into where you can thrive, feel at peace, and achieve your life's goals. Fei's goal in doing this lecture is to show you how to harness this fascinating system to choose a location that supports your happiness, growth, and overall well-being. Explore the world through the lens of your own unique vibration and find the perfect place to call home!
Choosing the ideal place to live is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make. Whether you're relocating for work, family, or a fresh start, finding the right environment can greatly impact your quality of life. From considering factors like cost of living, safety, and climate, to exploring local amenities, schools, and job opportunities, the perfect place for you is out there. Fei will walk you through the essential steps to make an informed decision, helping you find a place that aligns with your lifestyle, values, and future goals. Start your journey to the ideal home today!
Aleksandar Imsiragic ▼
Karmic Integration and Retrograde Planets
Lecture Description
Retrogradation describes the process by which planets are able to access a higher dimension. The retrograde planets provide us with a pathway to our Higher Self. Retrograde planets in our charts refer to recurring events in this lifetime that relate to our past or future lives. The purpose of this lecture is to provide you with insight into how retrograde planets can trigger memories relating to previous or future lives. Furthermore, you will be able to learn how to use these tools in order to integrate your karmic memories and achieve your higher self.
Lynn Bell ▼
Falling Apart and Coming Together
Lecture Description
The Saturn Neptune Cycle in individual Experience
If Saturn represents the hard bedrock of established rules, Neptune, changes its parameters like a dream. Every 35 years these planets come together and the structures of our world waver and shift, as a new vision infuses the old. As Saturn and Neptune come ever closer together how do they affect our individual lives? Each of us may be at a different bend in terms of this process. It may be the perfect moment for those who have not yet found the right place. For others, some of what we hold dear may shimmer and disappear. We will look at the last Saturn Neptune cycle that began in 1989 and see how it emerged in individual lives through its squares and opposition, in anticipation of a shift to come.
Joni Patry ▼
Rahu and Ketu (Lunar Nodes) and Eclipses 2025 -2026
Lecture Description
In this class we will look at the 18½ year cycle of the nodes through all the signs and nakshatras with a focus on the power of Eclipses in these signs. We will focus on which signs have created the greatest problems globally. A deep look at where the nodes will transit by signs, nakshatras and the Eclipses of 2025 -2026.
Georgia Stathis ▼
What happens in the Void…and…when will we get there?
Lecture Description
During the next three years, several planets, many of them slower planets, are moving into their 29th degree position. Many will stay there for long periods of time. The time between the 29th degree and the 00̊ degree is crucial and often grueling. Between Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, the comet Chiron and even the transiting Lunar Node, the sky will be riddled with critical degrees. So, what to do in the world, in the void and in your own life? Stathis, an entertaining as well as informative speaker, shares some of her insights regarding both.
Afternoon Session 1:45 PM - 03:00 PM
Dr. Lea Imsiragic ▼
Open Your Astrological House Potential with tapping
Lecture Description
If you feel that you have an opportunity for growth in certain areas, then we can recognize and clear your subconscious blockages in the form of daily triggers or life patterns and allow you to live fully. Discover how to use 12 meridians points to unlock 12 astrological houses potential and live your life on new level. This is practical and experiential lecture.
Charlotte Benson ▼
Hidden in The Houses
Lecture Description
Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) offers many useful principles of the 12 Houses. In addition to what you already know about the meanings of the Western Houses, Jyotish provides some really specific details. For instance – what is the House of moral courage? This metric shows an ability of manage tough transits. Which House governs the spoken word? Hint: there’s a direct relationship to one’s vocabulary and one’s wealth. Which is the House of past life credit? This metric is generally helpful. These refined concepts are extremely useful for accurate predictions. And they are painless – no translation required!
Öner Döşer ▼
Relationship Astrology
Lecture Description
This lecture will focus on the significance of private relationships and marriages. The first step is to learn how to determine marriage significators in both male and female charts. Our goal is to answer the following questions: Does a chart predict a marriage or a stable relationship? What type of person will be the native's partner? What is the quality of this relationship? We will then learn synastry rules and practice them on our own charts. Lastly, we will learn composite chart technique and apply it to our charts. Our goal is to be able to use all those methods together by the end of the lecture.
Demetra George ▼
Hellenistic Planetary Condition
Lecture Description
An introduction to the basic doctrines of ancient astrology, outlining traditional methods of evaluating planets. What factors indicate how effectively a person can express the intentions of the planets in their chart in ways that serve their best interests?
Christeen Skinner ▼
Lecture Description
The Sun is the superpower of life. There is a sunspot cycle that we are familiar with. When were you born? Were you born during a time of low or high activity? This presentation examines the charts of world leaders and the decisions that have changed the course of history with respect to solar activity, such as eclipses, sunspots, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections.
Rick Levine ▼
A New Look at Oppositions
Lecture Description
Most astrologers have a consistent understanding when it comes to interpreting one planet that is opposed to another planet. The T-square is a widely used special case opposition with a third planet that is square to each of the opposed planets. But how is the opposition affected when the third planet is trine one side of the opposition and sextile the other? Or when the third planet is semisquare one side and sesquisquare the other? Or quintile one side of the opposition and decile the other? The nature of an opposition is dramatically altered when an additional planet is brought into resonance by aspect with the opposition. This class is a deep dive into the common configurations that build upon the foundation of an opposition. Attendees will learn how to integrate complex oppositional-based aspect patterns into a wider flow of energy in natal chart interpretation, transits, and synastry.
Closing Ceremony
6:00 PM We will conclude with a closing meditation by Karma Martell. Following Christopher Pridham's closing remarks.