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2023 Video Recordings
and PowerPoint Presentations
VA Conference 2023

All 9 lectures at the 2023 VA Conference are available for $625 and all 9 lectures plus the PreConference for $500, or you can purchase each of the 9 recordings individually.

You receive a link to the recording and a password so you can view it. The recordings are not downloadable to your computer. Simply click the link and enter the Password that we provide you. A link to the PowerPoint presentation saved in PDF format is also provided.


2023 Main Conference
9 Lectures plus Keynote
– On Sale –
Savings of $219.55

2023 Full Conference
8 Lectures plus Pre-Conference Workshop plus Keynote
– On Sale –
Savings of $269.55

Individual Lecture Recordings

Video Recording & PowerPoint PDF
Pre-Conference Workshop  

  Purchase – $175.00

David Cochrane, MA

David brought up the natal charts of attendees who volunteered to share their birth data and showed the concepts of Vibrational Astrology in person. By seeing how it applies to the charts it is very easy to learn the main and basic concepts in VA. He skipped the didactic part of him lecturing about the basic concepts. It isn’t needed and even beginners learn faster by seeing the ideas put into action. Advanced and professional VA astrologers also learned it easily and faster.

Includes: 5:00 Hours Video Recording   |   8 pages PowerPoint PDF

Video Recording & PowerPoint PDF
Keynote Address East Meets West: Vedic Astrology and Vibrational Astrology

  Purchase – $79.95

David Cochrane, MA

Many ideas in Vibrational Astrology are completely consistent with ideas in Vedic Astrology. We see how very ancient Vedic literature describes the nature of astrology and the nature of reality in a way that anticipates developments thousands of years later. Ancient wisdom, Vibrational Astrology, Mysticism and Science converge in unity.

Includes: 1:15 Hours Video Recording   |   2 pages PowerPoint PDF

Video Recording & PowerPoint PDF
The Vertex in Relocational Astrology

  Purchase – $79.95

David Cochrane, MA

For the past several years evidence has been increasing that the Vertex is very important in Relocational Astrology. We will see how using the Vertex resolves several problems and how we can now give better Relocational Astrology information to clients by including the Vertex in our work.

Includes: 1:15 Hours Video Recording   |   2 pages PowerPoint PDF

Video Recording & PowerPoint PDF
Breast Cancer

  Purchase – $79.95

Fei Cochrane, BSE, TACC

A very comprehensive research study on breast cancer has produced an exciting finding. A Breast Cancer AstroSignature that is based on Vibrational Astrology theory fits very well with a database of people with this form of cancer. Just as with the research presented at last year’s Vibrational Astrology conference on heart disease, we find that the application of Vibrational Astrology principles to groups of charts of people who have the same disease shows what they have in common. Also, exciting is that the findings suggest what preventative measures and treatments could be appropriate for different people.

Includes: 1:15 Hours Video Recording   |   2 pages PowerPoint PDF

Video Recording & PowerPoint PDF
A new way to do Vibrational Forecasting

  Purchase – $79.95

David Cochrane, MA

Although there are very good ways to see vibrational patterns in the chart, it is only very recently that we can see changing vibrational patterns created by the interaction of transiting planets with natal planets. This is a big step forward in vibrational astrology. In this presentation Davis explains how we can now see these changing vibrations.

Includes: 1:15 Hours Video Recording   |   2 pages PowerPoint PDF

Video Recording & PowerPoint PDF
New Astrological Insights into Alcohol Addiction

  Purchase – $79.95

Gisele Terry, MFT, PAC

Research into the birth charts of a database of people who are alcoholics shows consistent vibrational aspects that are consistent with astrological theory. The findings are confirmed with charts of Gisele’s clients and famous people who suffered from alcohol abuse. Gisele focuses on what these astrological configurations tell us about what is driving these people to abuse alcohol, and what this suggests about how we can help the client find ways to manage their lives, make progress, and move forward.

Includes: 1:15 Hours Video Recording   |   2 pages PowerPoint PDF

Video Recording & PowerPoint PDF
Eating Disorders

  Purchase – $79.95

Michele Love, PAC

Researching a database of people with anorexia and bulimia shows what they have in common and what is driving people to have these eating disorders. Understanding the driving forces behind these illnesses can be helpful for therapists. This is a first phase of research into these illnesses that generates insights that can be confirmed in future research.

Includes: 1:14 Hours Video Recording   |   2 pages PowerPoint PDF

Video Recording & PowerPoint PDF
New Insights into Fixed Stars What Regulus Means in the Birth Chart

  Purchase – $79.95

Starlene Breiter, PAC

Extensive research into the lives of “Super Regulus People” shows what they have in common in their lives. These Super Regulus People are the people who have an inner planet conjunct Regulus with the smallest orb of all people in the database. This Evidence-Based approach to understanding Regulus reveals qualities of Regulus that are overlooked in the ancient traditions, while also confirming that there is some validity.

Includes: 1:15 Hours Video Recording   |   2 pages PowerPoint PDF

Video Recording & PowerPoint PDF
A Practical way to use VA in your Professional Practice

  Purchase – $79.95

Christopher Pridham, PhD, PAC

Each Vibrational Astrologer implements the rules of Vibrational Astrology in a slightly different way. The fundamental principles are well-established but each astrologer develops their own unique way to apply these ideas in practice. In this presentation Christopher shows us a very simple and direct way to apply Vibrational Astrology methods to chart interpretation, and he illustrates the ideas with cases from his consulting practice.

Includes: 1:15 Hours Video Recording   |   2 pages PowerPoint PDF

Video Recording & PowerPoint PDF
New Insights into Vibrations

  Purchase – $79.95

David Cochrane, MA

Each vibration is a process in nature. Each vibration relates, connects or processes fundamental components of nature. These are existential facts of life that utilize the raw materials of life for a specific purpose. There is intent and you can say motivation to each process. These processes take on particular expressions in people and other expressions in other living things and in other processes. By understanding these fundamental principles, we understand better how the vibrations operate in our lives.to the ancient ideas about Regulus.

Includes: 1:15 Hours Video Recording   |   2 pages PowerPoint PDF

2023 Main Conferenc
9 Lectures plus Keynote
– On Sale –
Savings of $219.55

2023 Full Conference
8 Lectures plus Pre-Conference Workshop plus Keynote
– On Sale –
Savings of $269.55
