Starlene Breiter

Starlene Breiter is a practicing professional Vibrational Astrologer, reiki healer, and tarot card reader. She works with gems and has operated a successful online metaphysical gem store for many years. Starlene graduated from the Avalon School of Astrology with a specialization in Vibrational Astrology in 2015, and she has been a regular participant in the Vibrational Astrology research group. She has contributed to the research on meanings of higher harmonics and other research projects.
Starlene’s websites are:
Lecture Description
The Basics of Vibrational Astrology
This presentation will equip you with practical applications of Vibrational Astrology (VA). We will dive into the fundamental base vibrations (8, 5, 7, 9, 11 & 13) and their meanings, which will add profound insight to your consultations. You will learn the function versus symptoms of planet circuits and how to locate circuits within vibration charts. You will also learn how to apply this method to other vibration charts. Gain the essential skills to confidently utilize VA and build upon this foundation, taking your practice to the next level.